
I always suspected jellyfish control the world...

Okay, so yes the fluorescent dye is just cool looking... as if watching a jellyfish's movement through water wasn't amazing enough, WIRED magazine informs us about "induced fluid drift." And proclaims that jellies are the DARK ENERGY of the ocean. This brings to mind cosmic black holes made of dark matter. Perhaps jellyfish energy is the force behind the Bermuda Triangle climate anomalies? This is all supportive of my hypothesis that jellies control the world. Don't believe it? Check out this video courtesy of National Geographic.


Here We Go Magic!

I keep obsessively playing the eponymous album, Here We Go Magic! This album is kind of shoegaze style indie pop, but more than anything it channels PAUL SIMON'S GRACELAND. And that is a beautiful thing. They are touring with Grizzly Bear - desperately longing to go to one of these live shows.

#interactivemonday tweets

Adverblog promotes #interactivemonday and I certainly need more than java to get my brain jolted into fresh brainwave activity on Monday mornings. Help the digital creative community starting the week with a boost of inspiration. Every Monday share the best piece of digital creativity you've seen the week before. Tweet #interactivemonday, the project URL and the agency name.


Gehry takes on Nola architecture

Post-Katrina New Orleans is a hot-bed of environmental architecture and design concepts fueling a rebirth of the Big Easy. The New Orleans climate and flood issues pose unique challenges for designers to work around. The latest architect to throw out a new design: FRANK GEHRY. Check out his re-think of a traditional "shotgun" house:http://tiny.cc/OwpzY Thanks Frank!
NOW I just want a ready-made kit... or some kind of realistic manufacture process,
so these could be "kit" homes for quick construction. Who has that solution?